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Sunday, April 24, 2005

Interpret this!!!

Nicole Kidman, Sean Pean...;

Interpreter rocks!!! Really classy... really... u see a, after u watch other movies like The Pacifier, Constantine, House of Fury... not that i dont like them... but it's totally different class!!! This movie is really really beautiful... u see... many movies are cool, intertaining, fun, enjoyable and wow like that lar... but this, this is beautiful... The Interpreter is beautiful... well, im not quite sure if beautiful is the exact vocab i shall use... but... well... sort of like that lar...
Nicole Kidman is beautiful!!! She is in her prettiest appearance ice ever seen... well, her face is... though when it went to her hand... it shows the fact that is actually O L D... hix... she acts magnificently and most of all... it's Nicole for the love of God!!! Hahaa...
Sean Pean... though im quite unaware of this guy... but yeah, he manages to cope with her well enough that i have to admitted how great he is...
So the story is about this interpreter in United Nations (Silvia Broome played by Nicole) and one day, she hears a whisper from a earphone about some threat to Dr Swami... (i dont know wat his exact name)... Dr Swami is comin to UN for some... purpose... hah... but no one believes her... they thought she is halucinating... Sean Pean (Tobin Keller), secret agents... must protect Dr Swami... though as the story goes, he also protects Nicole... Dr Swami has 2 enemies... one dono i forget... wat is this Kamun-Kamun guy... so Nicole, Kamun-Kamun, an one random guy which is a bomber is assigned to be followed by one secret agent assigned by the Keller Sean Pean guy... And wonderfully, interestingly, exticingly, suprisingly, shockingly, flabbergastedly, the three of them meet altogether in one bus... Nicole and the bomber got out before the bus BLOW UP!!! DUARR!!! Kamun2 dead... so thus one of the secret agent... Then the story got more intersting as to how the three of them can meet... i am also quite unclear and confused as their language is way above my limit of vocab... anyhow... apparently this Nicole girl has a brother (Simon Broome) who is lost... she thought Kamun2 has him... but in the bus, where Nicole herself confronted him, Kamun2 told that he did not and in fact he will help her... though he dead... and Sean Pean found out that Nicole, who ever lived in Africa (she's African born) for years, ever involved in some rebel, democracy, and gun shot thingy... eventually... Nicole knew that her brother is dead killed in african football stadium (in the very first scene) . Phillipe, the camera men who was following her brother in africa but not go into the stadium told Nicole and gave her his brother stuff... then he suicided... from the stuff and letter, nicole knew then... what actually happened... then she's gone... In this movie, gone and death is two very different things... it's funny that she mentioned it if they were to be the same... she wont be an interpreter and the world will be ... well... u know... sigh... anyway... so during the day itself where Dr Swami is doing his purpose... a sniper who is already been suspected as the bad guy is aiming at him... while suddenly one of the secret agents shot him... and Keller knew that actually the gun is stuck and the secret agent is the bad guy... the whole thing is an act... so actually Dr Swami and the bad secret agent set the whole assasination thingy to make himself free... luckily Sean Pean knew and stop it... While Dr Swami has been secured into the room, suddenly Nicole showed up and took the gun Dr Swami always carry and want to shot him... luckily again, Sean Pean appeared... and after the dramatic conversation about how u can live happily ever after if u shot him and about voices thingy... human voice can be heard including whisper ( i think... this means... the whisper that Nicole heard is from Dr Swami... but it doesnt make sense... he's away... sigh... confused ler...)... anyway... at the end... Dr Swami caught... Nicole and Sean Pean live...
the plot is an a-class one!!! really really good!!! i laugh at myself everytime the beautiful nicole and the old sean pean want to kiss... they dont though... just hug... hahaa... how wonderful is the movie eventhough there's no such thing as kiss and sex... but still... it's really good!!! Nicole rocks!!!
PS: anyone who has watched it, please leave a comment here as to correct my write-up... because i also a little bit confused... or just leave an ordinary comment... hehe2...
anyway... yup... yay! Nicole!!! I love you!!!! (^^,)

1 comment:

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