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Sunday, December 04, 2011

Breaking Dawn

Contrary to the many popular belief that twilight saga sux, I actually find it to be okay. I mean, honestly, its is not bad AT ALL. In fact it made me actually wonder why despite the millions millions of gross revenue the movie franchise had earned (and it is expected to increase or even multiply by next season due to the second part of the breaking dawn saga), I keep on stumbling into many blogs and articles and posts saying how the franchise sux. 

Yes, I agree Harry Pottes is much much better. But Twilight definitely does not fall into category of SUX. I mean seriously, the effect is nice (unlike Avatar – not the James Cameroon’s blue people, but Avatar the Airbender movie), the props and settings are all well planned. The characters are well suited. The acting is okay – not as bad as it is often talked or critiqued. Yes maybe the story line is a bit slow. The whole movie is about a wedding, honeymoon, and the pregnant period. lol. But still, it does not downgrade any elements of the story. Even the scene during honeymoon period where Edward carried Bella and jumped off a cliff needs a lot of effort to take!

Moreover ,there are a lot of sexy scenes =D And Kirsten Stewart is pretty!

Pictures taken from and

Meanwhile as I mentioned this to my peers, they all say they hate Twilight and that they would not watch it, and sometimes, they have not even watched it and yet because of the spread of word of mouth, they were influenced and decided to hate it. I mean, seriously, people, you should watch it first then you can judge! Don’t believe in what people say! Movies are subjective.

Yihang always said the movie I like sux. But then again, if I like it, so be it. I guess my point is, everyone has different taste, and don’t because other people hate it, then you decide to hate it. Be yourself, and watch the movie on your own first! Then you can tell people what you think.

And yes, the power of word of mouth is spooky!

My favorite scenes would be the opening scenes where Bella and Edward got married. Jacob got the invitation, transformed into the wolf and ran after. Intense!

Movie rating: 7.5 / 10

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